IST Inesc

Pedro Alves

I'm a doctoral candidate in INESC-ID at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal. I'm researching how relaxed consistency protocols can improve the efficiency of collaborative tools for distributed teams.


My Research

I'm doing my research in articulation between IST and Opensoft, being advised by Prof. Paulo Ferreira, senior researcher at INESC-ID and Eng. José Vilarinho, CEO of Opensoft. I'm particularly interested in bridging some gaps between Distributed Systems and Computer Supported Cooperative Work:

  • Large-scale messaging protocols
  • Adaptable consistency requirements based on current user context
  • Efficient awareness and presence propagation among a social network
  • Causal relation in messages exchanged by a group of dispersed people
  • Privacy mechanisms for distributed context-aware systems

My Publications

Distributed Context-Aware Systems
Paulo Ferreira, Pedro Alves. Springer. 2014.

Radiator - efficient message propagation in context-aware systems
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. Journal of Internet Services and Applications 5, no.1, April 2014.

AnonyLikes - Anonymous Quantitative Feedback on Social Networks
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. ACM/IFIP/USENIX 14th International Middleware Conference 2013, Beijing (China), December 9-13, 2013.

AnonyFacebook - Liking Facebook Posts Anonymously
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. 21st International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2013), Graz (Austria), September 11-12, 2013.

Radiator - Context Propagation based on Delayed Aggregation
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. The 2013 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, San Antonio (USA), March 23-27, 2013.

Context-aware Efficient Message Propagation
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. 11th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware. In conjunction with ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference 2012, Montreal (Canada), December 03–07, 2012.

ReConMUC - Adaptable Consistency Requirements for Efficient Large-scale Multi-user Chat
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. The 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Hangzhou (China), March 19–23, 2011.

Distributed Context-Aware Systems
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. Technical Report RT/22/2011, INESC-ID, 2011.

Privacy in Distributed Context-Aware Systems
Pedro Alves, Paulo Ferreira. Technical Report RT/23/2011, INESC-ID, 2011.

My Background

1999 - Graduation in Computer Engineering, by Instituto Superior Técnico.

1999 - 2000 - Consultant at Link

2000 - 2002 - Consultant at SIBS

Since 2002 - Project coordinator at Opensoft

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Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me at pedro.h.alves (at)