Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Edge-Cloud Application Development through QoS-aware Middleware Solutions

Speaker: Armir Bujari <name.surname@unibo.it>


The advent of the Edge-Cloud has revolutionized the landscape of delay-sensitive applications by providing the ability to execute them closer to data sources for greater efficiency. This paradigm shift enables fast data processing, critical for applications with stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as industrial automation, augmented reality (AR), autonomous transportation, and next-generation telco services. However, the unique characteristics of the Edge-Cloud present several challenges. The heterogeneity of resources, including variations in processing, memory, and network capabilities, and the fluctuating resource availability in shared environments, complicates application development. Mitigating these challenges requires innovative approaches to efficiently leverage heterogeneous resources while ensuring consistent QoS. The keynote speech will focus on emerging directions, relying on hardware/software acceleration technologies and network intelligence to further boost the potential Edge-Cloud systems and applications, to achieve ultra-low latencies and high throughput. Practical examples of implemented solutions supporting these technologies will be described, in the vertical domains of industrial manufacturing plants and smart city management optimization.


Short Bio:

Armir Bujari holds a position as an Associate Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Dept. (DISI) of the University of Bologna. His research interests include next generation networks, middleware for mobile computing, digital twins for Industry4.0 and smart city applications, QoS management in the cloud continuum, infrastructures for big data processing in industrial environments, and performance optimization in wide-scale and latency-sensitive deployment scenarios. On these topics, he is active in various technical program committees of the most prominent international conferences & venues.