Taras Lykhenko

Efficient Implementation of Causal Consistent Transactions in the Cloud

Tese submetida para provas de mestrado em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.


Key-value storage systems, offering weak-consistency, have emerged as a key strategy to increase the performance and the scalability of cloud applications. Unfortunately, experience has shown that weak consistency put a burden on programmers, making the development of applications harder and more prone to bugs. This has raised the interest in the search for alternative consistency models, that can simplify the application design without impairing scalability. Transactional Causal Consistency (TCC) is a consistency criteria that meets these requirements. In this thesis we present FastCCS, a new algorithm that can offer CTT with less communication round than previous work. The experimental results reported in this thesis, where the performance of FastCCS is compared to that of other competing systems that have been previously been proposed in the literature, show that FastCCS can sustain a throughput that is 20% higher than those works.


Efficient Implementation of Causal Consistent Transactions in the Cloud
Taras Lykhenko
MSc Thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
November, 2019.
Available BibTeX, MSC Thesis, and extended abstract, and mid-term report.
Concretização Eficiente de Coerência Causal Transaccional na Nuvem.
T. Lykhenko and L. Rodrigues
Actas do décimo primeiro Simpósio de Informática (Inforum), Guimarães, Portugal, Sep. 2019.
Available BibTeX, extended report (pdf).

Luís Rodrigues