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    (not including presentations of papers in conferences)

  • Blockchain and Digital Identity - DIDs, VCs, and the EBSI. Madeira Blockchain Conference, November 2024.

  • Tecnologias de Registo Distribuído e Criptoativos - Blockchain and Crypto Assets. CMVM, Mar. 2024.

  • Inteligência Artificial: contra ou a favor da Cibersegurança? Banco de Portugal, 25 Out. 2023.

  • Estratégia Nacional de Web3. Blockchain.PT kick-off, Leiria, 9 Nov. 2023.

  • Blockchain Replication for Dependability. Keynote at the DSN Workshop on Data-Centric Dependability and Security, Porto, Portugal, June 27, 2023.

  • Replicating Smart Contracts for Dependability, CSIRO Data61 - Sydney, Jan. 2023.

  • Blockchain Replication: Replicating Smart Contracts for Dependability, IFIP WG 10.4 83rd meeting - Melbourne, Jan. 2023 (slides).

  • Blockchain and Decentralization, Univ. Lusíada, 20 Dec. 2022.

  • Replicating Smart Contracts in different Blockchains for Dependability, DPSS talk, INESC-ID, 19. Dec. 2022.

  • Blockchain and Decentralization, Conferência: Direito e inteligência artificial, Univ. Lusíada, 14 Dec. 2022.

  • Algoritmos. Associação dos Profissionais de Proteção e de Segurança de Dados, Sep. 2022.

  • Smart Contracts e Blockchain. Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Direito 2022, Braga, Sep. 2022.

  • From Blockchain to Cybersecurity and the EBSI. Universidade de Aveiro, July 2022 (slides).

  • Tecnologias Avançadas ao Serviço da Cibersegurança, Painel no C-Days 2022, June 8, 2022 (video).

  • Blockchain: O impacto dos NFT na economia e nas empresas, Técnico+ / Católica Lisbon webminar, with Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, March 9, 2022 (video).

  • From Intrusion Tolerance to Trust and Recovery: A Research Overview, Resilient Computing and Cybersecurity Center, KAUST, Dec. 2021.

  • Blockchain Cross-Borders: The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, IEEE EMEA Blockchain Seminar, Sep. 8th 2021.

  • Digital Assets: How they work and can we trust them? Keynote at International Conference in Accounting and Finance Innovation, Aveiro, Portugal, July 1, 2021.

  • Medical Device Cybersecurity. Annual Meeting - Global Health: New Trends. June 2021.

  • Painel "LGPD e segurança da informação". Seminário Jurídico AB2L Brasil - Europa Blockchain e jurimetria: simetria da informação e segurança jurídica. 25/3/2021.

  • IDC Security Roadshow 2021 - Academy Panel: The Future of Trust with Blockchain, with Sérgio Guerreiro, April 21, 2021 (video, flash interview, news).

  • Euro Digital: O que vem aí?, Técnico+ / Católica Lisbon webminar, with Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, March 3, 2021 (video, info).

  • Blockchain Cross-Borders: The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, webminar, IEEE Engineering Day, Nov. 27, 2020 (info).

  • Cibersegurança, Pandemia e Desafios para as Empresas, webminar, with Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, November 18, 2020 (video, info).

  • Blockchain e Smart Contracts: Oportunidades e Desafios para as Empresas, Técnico+ / Católica Lisbon webminar, with Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, October 29, 2020 (video).

  • Cibersegurança: Desafios das Empresas num Ambiente de Dependência Tecnológica Crescente, Católica Lisbon webminar, with Paulo Cardoso do Amaral, October 1, 2020 (video).

  • Cibersegurança no Trabalho Remoto para Não-Tecnólogos, Técnico+, webminar, Lisboa, May 14, 2020.

  • Os desafios da cibersegurança emtempo de trabalho remoto, British Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, webminar, Lisboa, April 22, 2020.

  • Os desafios da cibersegurança emtempo de trabalho remoto, British Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, webminar, Lisboa, April 15, 2020.

  • Cybersecurity Breaches: The Day After (made easier), Encontro Ciência 2019, Lisboa, July 2019.

  • Blockchain: a short introduction, Vieira de Almeida & Associados, Lisboa, 8 Maio 2019.

  • Blockchain: Far Beyond Cryptocurrencies, Altice 98º TechDay: Blockchain, Altice Labs, Aveiro, Sep. 2018.

  • Low-Code Software Security, Low-Code Software Development Summer School 2018, ISCTE, Lisboa, July. 2018. (pdf)

  • Storing Critical Data in the Cloud: Challenges and Solutions, Keynote at ICETE / ICSOFT 2018, Porto, July. 2018. (pdf, video)

  • BlockSim - Blockchain Simulator, 74th IFIP WG 10.4 Meeting, Clerveaux, Luxembourg. Jun.-Jul. 2018.

  • Segurança do Software: Desafio da Década, XXVIII Jornadas de Informática UBI, Covilhã, Oct. 2017.

  • Cyber-physical systems: a security problem, Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal / INCoDe.2030, Lisboa, July 2017.

  • Detecting Unknown Network Attacks With Flows, IFIP WG 10.4 72nd Meeting Longmont, CO, USA - June 2017.

  • Blockchain: Cybersecurity and Accountability for the Next Decade, IPAI - Fórum de Auditoria Interna 2017, Lisbon, June 2017. (pdf)

  • Cloud File System Security and Dependability with SafeCloud-FS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Software and Computer Systems Department, June 15th, 2017. (pdf)

  • Using Several Clouds to Improve Storage Dependability: From DepSky to SCFS and Beyond, 11th Cloud Control Workshop, June 12th, 2017. (pdf)

  • FlowHacker - An Approach for Detecting Unknown Network Attacks With Flows, European Security Conference, Lisboa, June 2017. (pdf)

  • Detecting Malicious Hosts Using Traffic Flows, NavTalks, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, June 2017. (pdf)

  • Cibersegurança da Saúde em Portugal: Estamos em risco?, Maxdata Healthcare Solutions, GO CLINIdATA® - Lisboa, May 16, 2017. (pdf)

  • Cyber-Security Research - A Brief View, PhD Open Days, Instituto Superior Técnico, April 2017.

  • Web Application Security: from Static Analysis to Dynamic Protections and Recovery, Building Trust in the Information Age - Summer School on Computer Security and Privacy - Cagliari, Sep. 2016. (pdf)

  • Qualidade de Serviço nas linhas de orientação do BEREC sobre Net Neutrality, Linhas de orientação do BEREC sobre Net Neutrality - Workshop, ANACOM, Lisboa, June 20th 2016.

  • Big Data Analytics for Host Misbehavior Detection, 2016 European Security Conference, Lisbon, June 2016. (pdf)

  • Cloud Service Security and Dependability with Clouds-of-Clouds, Royal Holloway University of London, London, April 21st 2016.

  • Cloud Service Dependability: Masking and Recovering, Keynote at the 15th MDPS Workshop Lyon, France - Nov. 2015. (pdf)

  • Impersonating the Scammer, SECIR Lisbon Workshop, September 24, 2015.

  • Proteção de Aplicações Web com a Ferramenta WAP, Instituto Federal Catarinense, Blumenau, Brasil, August 2015.

  • Segurança Informática Bandidos e Policiais na Internet, Instituto Federal Catarinense, Blumenau, Brasil, August 2015.

  • Proteção de Aplicações Web com Mineração de Dados para Detectar Falsos Positivos, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brasil, July 2015.

  • Project PCAS: Secure Personal Devices backed by the Cloud, Confraria de Segurança, Lisboa, June 2015.

  • Cloud-backed Internet of Things Security and Dependability, 2015 European Security Conference, ISEG, Lisboa, June 2015.

  • Armazenamento Seguro de Dados na Cloud - SCFS: Shared Cloud-backed File System, VI Simpósio de Segurança Informática e Cibercrime, Beja, May 2015.

  • Ciber-Ataques contra Aplicações Web PHP e como os evitar com a Ferramenta WAP (Cyber-attacks against PHP Web Applications and wow avoid them with the WAP tool), Universidade de Évora, April 2015.

  • Dados da Internet das Coisas na Cloud: Segurança e Confiabilidade (Internet of Things Data in the Cloud: Security and Dependability), 1o Seminário sobre Internet of Things, Ponta Delgada, Açores, January 2015.

  • Recovery from Intrusions in PaaS Clouds, IFIP Working Group 10.4 67th Meeting, Bristol, January 2015.

  • Dependability and Security with Clouds-of-Clouds, Keynote at the Workshop on Dependability and Interoperability in Heterogenous Clouds (DIHC13), August 27th 2013, Aachen, Germany (pdf)

  • BFT State Machine Replication with 2f+1 Replicas (or What good are hybrid models and what hybrid models are good), BFT Seminar, Lisbon, June 2013 (pdf)

  • Cloud Security, ShadowSec Security Meeting, 6ª Edição - Lisboa, May 2013 (pdf)

  • Computação e Segurança na Nuvem, 1º Workshop de Cloud Computing- Açores, April 12, 2013 (pdf)

  • Desenvolvimento de Software Seguro - As Is Can't Be, 2º Infosec Day, Gabinete Nacional de Segurança, Oct. 1st 2012 (pdf)

  • Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce in Clouds-of-Clouds, Dagstuhl Seminar 12281, July 11th, 2012

  • Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: Urgent vs. Important, 2012 Workshop on Cyber Security and Global Affairs and Global Security Forum, Barcelona, Jun. 2012 (pdf)

  • Cloud: a solução para todas as organizações? Painel - "Cloud, a solução?", IselTech 2012, Lisboa, May 23rd 2012

  • Software Execution Protection in the Cloud, Keynote at 1st European Workshop on Dependable Cloud Computing (EWDCC 2012), Sibiu, Romania, May 8th 2012 (pdf)

  • Segurança na Nuvem: da Confidencialidade à Disponibilidade dos Dados, Jornadas Técnicas sobre Computação em Nuvem, ESTG - Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Leiria, Mar. 15, 2012 (pdf)

  • Data Confidentiality in the Cloud: Laser Gunfight at the O.K. Corral? Approaches to stopping the malicious insider at the cloud provider, RSA Conference USA 2012, San Francisco, USA, Feb. 28, 2012 (pdf)

  • Data Security in the Cloud: Challenges and Solutions, University of Passau, Germany, Nov. 29, 2011.

  • Clouds-of-Clouds: Segurança e Confiança no Funcionamento nas Nuvens, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil, Jun 3, 2011 (pdf)

  • Benefícios da Aleatorização: Consenso na Presença de Falhas Dinâmicas, XII Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas (c/SBRC'11), Campo Grande, Brasil, May 30, 2011 (pdf)

  • Software Security in the Clouds, 2nd Ibero-American Web Applications Security Conference - IBWAS'10, Lisboa, Dec. 2010

  • Clouds Seguras: Disponibilidade e Privacidade nas Nuvens, Cloud Computing Fórum 2010 (ComputerWorld), Lisboa, Nov. 23 2010

  • 2010 Odisseia no Software, Confraria de Segurança, Lisboa, Nov. 23 2010 (pdf)

  • Distributed Fault Tolerance = Security ?, Yahoo! Research Barcelona, June 23rd 2010

  • Ficção ou Realidade: Crimes Informáticos e Catástrofes, IV Jornadas de Ciências ISCS-N, Porto, April 29th, 2010

  • Protecção de Infraestruturas Críticas, Jornadas sobre Segurança em Sistemas Informáticos UBI, Covilhã, March 26th, 2009.

  • Tolerating Byzantine Behavior in Distributed Systems, Cylab / Carnegie Mellon Univ., Dec. 3, 2007 (pdf)

  • Tolerating Byzantine processes in distributed systems: using wormholes to reduce the number of replicas, TheNIS - 2nd Information Security Workshop, IST, Lisboa, July 17th 2007 (pdf)

  • Tolerância a Intrusões em Sistemas Distribuídos - alguma pesquisa actual, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 13 Setembro 2006 (pdf)

  • Serviços Distribuídos Tolerantes a Intrusões - uma introdução, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, 12 Setembro de 2006 (pdf)

  • Sistemas Distribuídos como Autómatos (Distributed Systems as Automata), Seminários de Álgebra, Centro de Álgebra da Univ. de Lisboa, 20 Maio 2005 (pdf)

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