miguel pupo correia           

Cloud Security and Dependability

Cloud computing resulted in many security and dependability challenges, but also new opportunities for exploring diversity. I have been working on these topics since 2010, mostly on storage in several clouds, large-scale data processing in several clouds, and intrusion recovery.

Funded projects: SafeCloud

Current team: Cláudio Correia, Diogo Vaz

Software prototypes: DepSky, SCFS, RockFS / SafeCloud-FS, Chrysaor, Medusa, BFT Hadoop, Shuttle

Selected publications:

David R. Matos, Miguel L. Pardal, António Rito Silva, Miguel Correia. uVerum: Intrusion Recovery for Microservice Applications. IEEE Access, Vo. 11, pp. 78457-78470, 2023 (pdf, software).

Diogo Vaz, David R. Matos, Miguel L. Pardal, and Miguel Correia. MIRES: Intrusion Recovery for Applications based on Backend-as-a-Service. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, accepted for publication, 2022 (pdf).

David Matos, Miguel Pardal, Miguel Correia. Sanare: Pluggable Intrusion Recovery for Web Applications. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol. 20, N. 1, pp. 590-605, Jan.-Feb. 2023 (pdf)

A. N. Bessani, M. Correia, B. Quaresma, F. André, P. Sousa, DepSky: Dependable and Secure Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds. ACM Transactions on Storage, vol. 9, n. 4, Nov. 2013. (pdf, software)

A. Bessani, R. Mendes, T. Oliveira, N. Neves, M. Correia, N. Pasin, P. Verissimo. SCFS: a Shared Cloud-backed File System. In Proceedings of Usenix Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2014. (pdf, software, software)

David Matos, Miguel Pardal, Georg Carle, and Miguel Correia. RockFS: Cloud-backed File System Resilience to Client-Side Attacks. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Dec. 2018. (pdf, video, software)

Pedro Costa, Fernando Ramos, and Miguel Correia. On the Design of Resilient Multicloud MapReduce. IEEE Cloud Computing, vol. 4(4) pp. 74-82, July/August 2017. (pdf)

Other publications:

Rodrigo Marques Silva, Cláudio Jose Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues. Deduplication vs Privacy Tradeoffs in Cloud Storage. 38th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 2023 (pdf)

Cláudio Correia, Miguel Correia, Luís Rodrigues. Omega: a Secure Event Ordering Service for for the Edge. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, early access May 2021 (pdf)

Ahad Niknia, Miguel Correia, Jaber Karimpour. Secure Cloud-of-Clouds Storage with Space-Efficient Secret Sharing. Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 59, June 2021 (pdf)

Cláudio Correia, Luis Rodrigues, Miguel Correia. Omega: a Secure Event Ordering Service for the Edge. In Proceedings of the 50th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June/July 2020 (pdf, video).

Diogo Vaz, David R. Matos, Miguel L. Pardal, and Miguel Correia. MIRES: Recovering Mobile Applications based on Backend-as-a-Service from Cyber Attacks. In Proceedings of MobiQuitous 2020 (pdf).

Filipe Apolinário, Miguel L. Pardal, and Miguel Correia. S-Audit: Efficient Data Integrity Verification for Cloud Storage. In Proceedings of IEEE TrustCom, July 2018. (pdf, software)

Hylson Vescovi Netto, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Miguel Correia, Luciana de Oliveira Rech, Caio Pereira Oliveira. Koordinator: A Service Approach for Replicating Docker Containers in Kubernetes. In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications, June 2018. (pdf)

David R. Matos, Miguel L. Pardal, Pedro Adão, Rito Silva and Miguel Correia. Securing Electronic Health Records in the Cloud. 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems (with EuroSys 2018), May 2018. (pdf)

David Matos, Miguel Pardal, and Miguel Correia. Rectify: Black-Box Intrusion Recovery in PaaS Clouds. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Dec. 2017. (pdf, software)

Pedro A. R. S. Costa, Fernando M. V. Ramos, Miguel Correia. Chrysaor: Fine-Grained, Fault-Tolerant Cloud-of-Clouds MapReduce. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2017. (pdf, software) Best Student Paper Award

Hylson V. Netto, Lau Cheuk Lung, Miguel Correia, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Luciana Moreira Sá de Souza. State machine replication in containers managed by Kubernetes. Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 73, Pages 1-60, Feb. 2017. (online)

David Matos, Miguel Correia. NoSQL Undo: Recovering NoSQL Databases by Undoing Operations. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Nov. 2016. (pdf, software)

Pedro A. R. S. Costa, Xiao Bai, Fernando M. V. Ramos, Miguel Correia. Medusa: An Efficient Cloud Fault-Tolerant MapReduce. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2016. (pdf, software)

Dário Nascimento, Miguel Correia. Shuttle: Intrusion Recovery for PaaS. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jun.-Jul. 2015 (pdf, slides, video, software)

Daniel Presser, Lau Cheuk Lung, Miguel Correia. Greft: Arbitrary Fault-Tolerant Distributed Graph Processing. In Proceedings of the IEEE BigData Congress 2015, Jun.-Jul. 2015. (pdf)

Hylson Vescovi Netto, Tulio Alberton Ribeiro, Lau Cheuk Lung, Miguel Correia, Aldelir Fernando Luiz. Anticipating Requests to Improve Performance and Reduce Costs in Cloud Storage. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 3rd Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC), Jun. 2015. (pdf)

Miguel Correia. Clouds-of-Clouds for Dependability and Security: Geo-replication Meets the Cloud. In Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8374, pp 95-104, 2014 (pdf)

Francisco Rocha, Salvador Abreu, Miguel Correia. The Next Frontier: Managing Data Confidentiality and Integrity in the Cloud, IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2013.

P. Costa, M. Pasin, A. Bessani, M. Correia. On the Performance of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 10. no. 5, pp. 301-313, Set.-Oct. 2013 (pdf)

A. N. Bessani, M. Correia, B. Quaresma, F. André, P. Sousa, DepSky: Dependable and Secure Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2011). April 2011. (pdf, software)

Francisco Rocha, Salvador Abreu, Miguel Correia. The Final Frontier: Confidentiality and Privacy in the Cloud, IEEE Computer, vol. 44, n. 9, pp. 44-50, Sep. 2011. (abstract/pdf)

Pedro Costa, Marcelo Pasin, Alysson N. Bessani and Miguel Correia. Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce: Faults Are Not Just Crashes. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Nov-Dec. 2011. (pdf, software) Best Paper Award

Miguel Correia, Pedro Costa, Marcelo Pasin, Alysson Bessani, Fernando Ramos, Paulo Verissimo. On the Feasibility of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant MapReduce in Clouds-of-Clouds. In First International Workshop on Dependability Issues in Cloud Computing (DISCCO 2012), Oct. 2012 (pdf)

F. Rocha, M. Correia. Lucy in the Sky without Diamonds: Stealing Confidential Data in the Cloud. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Dependability of Clouds, Data Centers and Virtual Computing Environments (DCDV, with DSN'11), Hong Kong, June 2011. (pdf)

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